Website UX reviews & analysis

A user experience (UX) review for any website is a really valuable exercise.  This helps you to see your site from an outside perspective and identify gaps that users may struggle with.


Website UX reviews can be carried out at any point.  Typically, we'd audit an existing site before a refresh or upgrade to check for gaps and pain points for users.

Website UX review process

  • We use external website UX reviewers - even we get a bit too close to the business for a truly fresh view
  • We work with you to determine user personas to use during testing (e.g. Sophie, a mum of 2 young children looking for a day out) 
  • We work through several areas of the site, typically this would involve the purchase/eCommerce journey
  • It's carried out on mobiles first (unless your Analytics highlight different devices to research on) 

We're happy to send a demo report, or get in touch and we can give you some options.