James Martin

Head of Operations

Fact file

Joined: 2010

Likes: football, audiobooks, running, golf, snowboarding, optimisation, strategy.

Dislikes: slow websites, aggressive drivers.

Email: james@semantic.co.uk

Phone: 02380 111 546

James is a deep thinker, and now spends most of his time coordinating ops work and on strategic work for our clients.

He joined Semantic back in 2010, just as the mobile web was becoming big.  His background is in business, having studied business studies at Bournemouth University.  He had a passion for the web too, having built many personal websites for games that he was interested in. 

He started out as a Support Ninja, before rapidly taking on more responsibility and moving up to run Support.  After several years he transitioned more to development and coding, but now sits on the senior team to help with strategy and ongoing business development.

His technical knowledge, combined with strategic thinking makes him the perfect person to be heading up our Operations and day-to-day work.  This is always mixed, involving projects, site updates, ongoing improvements, analytics, and data gathering to maximise the effectiveness of client websites.  

If you're struggling to convert your traffic into leads then James is the man to talk to.

Contact James by email