Gordon Saxby

Senior Developer

Fact file

Joined: 2022

Likes: trail running, walking, campervanning.

Dislikes: heights, litter, disorganised dishwashers.

Email: support@semantic.co.uk

Phone: 02380 111 550

Gordon is a senior back-end developer here at Semantic.

Gordon has worked in software development for over 30 years, initially developing desktop PC systems and moved into web development in 1999. He spent 21 years as a consultant, working for a wide range of companies in a range of industries.
He is an Umbraco specialist developer and has been so, continuously, since 2008. He has created everything from simple content managed websites through to multi-language systems that integrate with shopping carts and third party systems such as CRMs, payment gateways and mobile apps.
Gordon has a “can do” attitude and relishes taking on challenging tasks.

Contact Gordon by email