Fix your current website

You might already know that your website isn't optimal, or you might have an inkling that something isn't quite right... This is where our team of Digital Superheroes is at there best... reviewing and suggesting improvements.  

QPS performance analysis

Our Quality Performance Score (QPS) is a simple way to rate your overall site. We can conduct a one-off QPS report, or we find it works best to have a regular plan to monitor the ongoing improvements. Areas covered include Analytics & eCommerce, Security, Accessibility, Uptime, error logs and more.

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Accessibility audits for websites

If we knew that a site was particularly old or was likely to have accessibility issues, then we'd look to run a more detailed Accessibilty Audit. We work to the WCAG specifications to help make sites as easy to use for disabled people as possible.

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Website security audits

Site security is another area often overlooked, but it's more critical now than ever, following the GDPR introduction in 2018. Older sites in particular are more likely to have issues, so if it's something you've never looked at, then we'd recommend a one-off detailed audit. Risks are categorised as high, medium and low to help prioritise the fixes.

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Critical reviews & strategy

We are a customer-first digital agency, so conducting critical analysis and user testing from a customer point of view is critical to understanding their issues and maximising your website effectiveness. We use various tools and methodologies to categorise findings and suggest improvements.

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Same-day support

We find clients rave about our same-day Support Ninjas. They'll reply and do all they can to resolve your issue as quickly and effectively as possible. If you're having trouble getting things implemented quickly enough with your currect agency then we can help.

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